Web H2O is integrating the best of the web technology in order to optimize our clients' projects. Each module has 3 different sizes and its own functionalities.
Size 1: Single picture + Rich Text Editor description
Size 2: Unlimited pictures & YouTube videos, attachments available (.pdf, .xls...)
Size 3: Size 2 + linking available between sub-news in different categories.
Change your content by yourself whenever you want: texts, pictures, titles, meta description etc.
Add, update, delete your references as you want. Put online your prices and pictures in one click
Build your Customers Database and keep safely their informations.
Let's simplify your booking tool and check out at your users details.
Increase your customers truth by integrating secure online payments solutions.
Generate secure coupons and track your sales on your back-office access.
Let your visitors talk and moderate the innapropriate conversations.
Receive Alerts/Reminders, or moderate some content on your website.
Have your business registered in Google, it will boost your SEO!
Choose among our wide range of examples.
Publish your news, special offers and share it on your social networks accounts to maximize your trafic and SEO.
Globalize your services and increase your sales in new markets (translation services extra).
Integrate these social tools to your content to boost your trafic on your website.
Make your cart process more flexible by facilitating your customers orders.
Simplify the information search, get the accurate results matching with your criterias.
Increase your clients volume by creating your own incentives and scenario.
Put your best offers on your homepage and increase yoru sales volume.
Public o private auction sales? Discover our virtual auction sales room and the last projects delivered.
Synchronize your content.
"Captcha" Forms
Optimize your web content up to 4 different sizes by changing the global layout of your website in order to be more suitable on mobile devices, on tablets or on huge deskop screens.
Web H2O follows and optimizes all the web language standards:
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